Comm 460: Infographics: The new, creative crazy and right up my alley!

I have always been a creative being. I am not really one to follow directions, I like to get my creativity in mind and then just go with it. Info graphics are simply a neat way to put a creative spin on something normally kind of boring. Let’s be honest, resume’s are boring, normal papers with stats are boring. With info graphics we are given a whole new world of opportunities. We are now able to be creative and those of us that are so tired of the normal dullness, now can let their creativity shine and that is why I am IN LOVE with the idea of info graphics.

While I was searching info graphics to get a better understanding I came across something very cool, and it also relates to the sports that are big time right now. The website that I came across was an entire website dedicated to NBA stats. Instead of putting the individual teams stats in a long, drawn out paper, it is put into a very creative and eye catching info graphic! I will be honest when I say that I do not care about NBA teams and their stats. Now, if it was the Cards then by all means, I want to see it BUT by looking at their stats in this creative, colorful and well thought out way, I must say.. I AM OBSESSED!!!! I hope that by simply googeling people will get a better understanding of info graphics like I did. Also, it doesn’t hurt that now I sort of can like NBA now.. even if it is the colors that I am drawn to!

Here is the website my friends, be prepared… its PRETTY!

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