Comm Tech: Video

I am currently in video communications and our final project is to shoot a 2 minute movie. We use a small hand held camera to do that and I think these consumer devices are very important. I feel that being able to take a video of something when and wherever someone wants is very important. Though I do not feel that it is new literacy just yet, I do feel it will become the more predominant literature in the very near future. I mean let’s be honest, as we saw in class, pretty much everyone has some form of a smart phone. Those smart phones have very hi-tech cameras that shoot pretty good videos and pictures. With this kind of technology only getting better, it is very possible that it will become the new dominant form of literacy.

I feel that as a communications major it is a good tool to at least know how to shoot a video for sure. When it comes to editing, that is maybe not as serious is at least knowing how to shoot the video. There are so many applications out there that pretty much edit movies and pictures if you and requires minimal education about it. I do not plan to with video in my career, but it is always good to at least know what I am doing if that opportunity ever arises. Now days, you do see video a lot more. It is a lot easier to watch a video and learn something than it is to read about it. I am a visual learner so videos are so much better for me to learn than reading a long drawn out chapter. That is a big reason why I feel that video is a new literacy. Look at YouTube, it is the biggest form of video on the internet and videos can get over millions of views in a single day. TO me, that is outstanding. To think that people are that intrigued to watch video that many times just proves how important video is.

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